
A research project by Uwe Krebs


About the research project by Uwe Krebs


Bombing raids on German cities are well documented. What receives little attention are the plane crashes that were an unavoidable part of the air war. I am therefore working on a comprehensive documentation on this subject. It is a purely private project of mine and the aim is to document the history for posterity before the memory of what happened disappears completely. The final aim of the documentation is to publish a book about the crashes in the Harz and Heath region. In addition to the crash data such as date, type, unit, etc., the names of the crews will also be listed. The work should not only contain simple, anonymous entries - "an airplane crashed there" - but also give the victims a face: The victims should be brought to consciousness.
It is important that the documentation is non-judgmental. The work is not intended to evaluate the deed or differentiate between victims and perpetrators. All those who lost their lives in the air war should be equally remembered, the bomber crews, the fighter pilots and also the many bombing victims. If a book publication does not materialize, it is planned to hand over the records to the Lower Saxony State Archives, Wolfenbüttel Department.


Currently in my database for the Harz and Heide region, without claim to completeness...


... of which German Air Force aircraft, often crashes due to accidents and technical failure (approx.)

Royal Air Force

... of which British RAF, but also Canadian RCAF, Australian RAAF and New Zealand RNAF (approx.)

United States Air Force

... of which American USAF with its B-24 and B-17 bombers and the escort fighters, e.g. the P-51 (approx.)


Article in the magazine Braunschweigische Heimat

A comprehensive documentation is in progress, according to the subtitle of the article published in Braunschweigische Heimat 1/2023 by Uwe Krebs. The article in the print edition of the magazine features augmented reality elements. If you hold your cell phone with the right app over it, you can watch a film with a contemporary witness, for example.

Read article (only in German)

The Harz and Heide region

The area under consideration in Lower Saxony extends north to the Heide and south to the Harz Mountains and is bordered by the eastern region of Hanover and the border area of Saxony-Anhalt. It includes the cities of Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg and the districts of Peine, Wolfenbüttel, Helmstedt, Gifhorn, Celle, Uelzen, Lüchow-Dannenberg, Lüneburg, Hildesheim, the Heidekreis, the Harz, as well as the eastern region of Hanover and the border area of Saxony-Anhalt.

Overview map

The project is non-commercial and purely private. It is not politically motivated and distances itself from any right-wing ideas.

Picture credits

Wreckage of the British bomber that crashed near Essinghausen. Image source: Robert Fricke family/Essinghausen and Peine town archives, GS 1 - photo collection.

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A B-17 Flying Fortress on landing. Image source: NARA 342-FH-3A06104-65561AC

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